The customer service support desk was horrible, I felt like they were just robots using scripted replies and not actually listening to the details and fully understanding the situation. I had almost the same identical story as you I received the email 10 days ago about my account my being locked. Needless to say, they withheld that money. This back and forth coincided with a $390 cash out request I had just made. We went back and forth but they simply did not understand. It's as if the people working there do not know how to read and understand email correspondence. I tried to explain that I was only disputing the 'extra' $100 charge and in fact had mentioned exactly that to Chase. Well, when Global received the dispute, they immediately shut down my account. I was also careful to mention that I was only disputing the double charge and if/when they got in contact with Global, Chase should mention that this was for all tense and purposes an honest mistake (by Chase probably). I called my credit card company (Chase) and advised as such. I soon realized that I had been charged double. During mid September I deposited $100 using my credit card. I had been playing at Global Poker for about a year when the following occurred.